Gadgets and More
Gadgets and More


We all know the Internet right and what it does. But do you know the history of it? I bet you don’t know what it is all about and what it took to come alive. I could go bit by bit and byte by byte and explain how it all came about. But we all know that would be a boring little topic and we don’t want that do we.

The Internet

It was the year 1990 something and ARPANET was decommissioned, what is ARPANET you ask? Then over the next few years, it blossomed into what we know now. But before this, all could happen a few things had to happen.

  • 1982 — TCP/IP protocol suite formalized
  • 1982 — SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
  • 1983 — Domain name system (DNS)
  • 1985 — first .com domain name registered
  • Skipped a bunch of stuff
  • 1991 — Wide area information server
  • 1991 — Gopher
  • 1991 — World Wide Web
  • 1993 — AOL
  • 1994 — Mosaic web browser
  • 1994 — Full-text web search engines
  • 1995 — Commercial ISP’s
  • 1995 — Very high-speed Backbone Network Service.
  • 1995 — IPv6 proposed
  • 1996 — AOL Changes from hourly to monthly
  • 1998 — ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers)

Some examples of Internet Service

  • 1989 — AOL Dial-up service provide, email, instant messing and web browser
  • 1990 — IMDB
  • 1995 —
  • 1995 — eBay online auction and shopping
  • 1995 — Craigslist
  • 1996 — Hotmail
  • 1997 — Babel Fish
  • 1998 Google Search, Yahoo, PayPal
  • 1999 — Napster
  • 2001 — BitTorrent, Wikipedia
  • 2003, LinkedIn, Myspace, Skype, iTunes store
  • 2004 — Facebook, Podcast, Flickr
  • 2005 — YouTube

and so on. I could go on forever, but I won’t

My first web site was created in 1997, more to come later.

Early days

I was around in the early days of the Internet and I remember the good old days of dial-up and surfing the web at a slow speed. It was an exciting time in life. But it wasn’t that good as we know. 


Here is a video of the Internet.


Some of this Stuff came from Wikipedia

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