I am always looking for something new and that just drives my wife crazy and she says I spend too much money on technology and gadgets. Nope, I don’t spend that much.
Since my quest was to find something that can scan on its own without the need of plugging this into a computer that is what this scanner is all about
I have had my eye on this scanner for a while, and I just brought a scanner. The Epson DC 30 I just did a post on. It was about $178 dollars on Amazon. One day, I happened to see that this was on a lightning deal and I picked it up for about $100 dollars.
My wife wasn’t too happy about that, but that is OK, I am not happy with her spending a lot of money on random things. Besides, I would use this all the time.
This scanner is a nice thing as it doesn’t need to be plugged into a computer to work. It comes with the following:
- Scanner
- SD card
- Cable
- To charge
- To plug into computer if needed
Yes, it had an SD card and that means that you can scan without a computer.
Looking For
This was exactly what I was looking for, something that I can scan without hooking it up to a computer. That means that I can sit anywhere and scan documents and whatever else I need to and it just copies to the SD card.
The software that comes with this, once this is installed, you can import your scans from the SD card to the software, where you can rename them and then move them where you need to put them.
I take this on most of the trips I go on so I can scan when I need to. You might think why in the world am I scanning things on my vacation or trips? Well, I am trying to be a blogger and when I travel and I have the following:
When I have some receipts I san these in so I have a digital copy of the expense. It makes it nice in case I misplace the receipts.
Other papers
Like when I go on a cruise, I can scan in the cruise schedule, Platter, and then I can upload them to my blog as a PDF document.
It comes in really handy.
I went to charge it so I can take it on a trip and it wouldn’t charge. What the heck!! Is going on. So I tried to fix it, by trying different cables, but no luck. So I contacted them and see if I can buy a battery. They don’t sell batteries by themself. Odd, right! But they did send me a brand new one.
That one wouldn’t charge either. So they sent me another one and that one worked. For the trouble of the scanners not working. They sent me
That was a nice gesture of them.
This one is working and I like that. Yes, everything has some problems and nothing is perfect.
My thoughts
This is the scanner I was looking for to use. However, with the carrying case, it won’t fit in my backpack anymore. Well, my new tech backpack doesn’t have any more room in it. So this will have to go in my carry-on when I go on my trips. Unless I go back to my old bag. Which my wife didn’t like as it was just so big. (we will see later on doing a post on this at some point in 2022)
I will be using this more often. I really like this scanner. Now maybe I won’t have to buy any more mobile scanners. ( I doubt it)
Here is a video about the Doxie