It was the year of 2000 and something and music streaming wasn’t new, Pandora was around. But something about Spottily that just peak my attention.
Streaming music
So why is this so important in life? I mean music is music right. Why don’t we just pop the old cassette tape in the old boom box or Walkman and just listen to your favorite album? Music has grown and evolved over time from records to cassettes to CDs to MP3 and now on the web streaming to your phone.
When they went public in 2018 the IPO was valued at $6 Billion to $23 Billion. It opened up at $165.90. This was for the investors to get a return on the investor’s investment.

- 2014
- Echo Nest
- 2015
- Seed Scientific
- 2016
- Crowd Album
- 2017
- Sonalytic
- Mighty TV
- Media chain
- Artificial Intelligence
- Sound trap
- 2019
- Parcast
- Sound Better
- 2020
- The Ringer
Why am I blogging about this
Well, we all listen to music, some of us listen to rap, some listen to the country (not my choice), some people listen to Klingon Opera and some people listen to good music. I know that music is important to me. When I was 17 and 18, I would listen to the radio, tapes for 18 hours a day. I would wake up to music, listen to music in my car, listen to music at work, listen to music in my car, listen to music when going to sleep. Music was everywhere and it shaped my life.
Now days I listen to music
- Working out (yes, I do work out)
- In my car
- Instead of listening to radio stations or tapes or CD’s, I stream it on XM radio, or streaming service or the 32 GB USB stick I have in my car.
- I don’t listen to music 18 hours a day anymore.
When streaming services came around it opened up so many different avenues to listen to what you want. Like 80’s music or good old Rock and roll.
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