If you haven’t heard of OneDrive, well you have come to the right spot. I will tell you to want OneDrive is all about. Of course, it is about cloud storage. Sky Drive Wait I thought we were talking about OneDrive. Yes, yes, we are. Just hold on, just giving […]
Cloud storage
Did you think that Google wouldn’t get into the cloud storage option? Of course not, they have cloud storage and it is called Google Drive. Drive It launched in 2012, April 24 to be exact and it gives or offers 15GB of space for free. That includes the following: GMAIL […]
In 2007, Dropbox was founded and their version of Cloud Storage started. IT seems to be going strong, 13 years later. History In 2007, it started up with funding and by 2009 it surpassed the 1 million user mark. By the time November came around, it reached 3 million users. […]
You know with cloud storage being what it is, you knew that Apple would get into the action. Their cloud storage is called iCloud. iCloud, what is it When you have an Apple product, like a iPhone, then you have 5GB given you as a freebie. So you get 5GB […]