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Yale Smart Lock

I already have an August smart lock. Why did I get a Yale? Good question. Let me explain.

August Smart lock

I talked about this August lock here, that we got this for the entryway into the house. I liked this one.

 Second Door

When picking out a lock for the front door of the house. I was thinking we need one for the basement door. So I can make sure it was locked at all times. Why not just get a second August? I thought about that, but my wife wanted a touchpad. She wanted it to look nice and she didn’t like anything August had to offer.

The one thing I didn’t want to do was have a separate app to control both locks. Good thing August teamed up with Yale and they offer a module that connects with August. Well, August is part of Yale, it was a good thing they teamed up.


I went with Yale as I liked the look of the lock and it has a touchscreen to enter a code. This way I can give access to people and they can create their code and I can limit what times they come and go.

I am not sure how this cost me, as I can’t find the invoice. I think this was about $199.99 with the August module. I got this at the same time as August but didn’t install it until recently. Well, last summer. About a year after I picked it up.

This is a good lock, I haven’t had any issues with it. The batteries are still going strong, I am sure they would need replacement if the door is used as much as the August door is used.

The keypad is nice, but so far we don’t have anyone using it. They just use the August app to come and go.


Would I recommend this? Yes, I would. It is a nice setup and it was easy to install and set up.  It does have a bridge that you need to connect to the August network or App.

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