Gadgets and More
Gadgets and More

2022, Outlook

2021 was a hard year for me, I am thinking that it was the same for everyone. It was just a continuance of 2020 and that well just sucked.


Was an up and down year for this website/blog where the posts were sporadic at that and the writing wasn’t that good. Somewhere detailed and some weren’t. But that is all in the game, right?


Is upon us and that means that we get to start all over in a sense. You know out with the old (2021) and bring in the new (2022). That means that I do have a plan for 2022 for this blog/website.


The plan going forward is to have a blog post every Tuesday and Friday. I went ahead and scheduled out the posts of the topics I would like to cover and that means I have stuff well into July. Hopefully, I will get some more tech so I can continue on blogging and bring you some good quality <<<< yes good quality content.

My goal is to give you good content

  • Like real world use
  • Things I use in my life

I can’t give you a review of things I haven’t used. That would be stupid, right? Yep, it would be.

Not perfect

Despite what my wife and kids say about me. I am not perfect in any aspect of my life. I am sure that I am going to miss a few days, but I am striving to be better than that.

Social Media

I do have social media and I am always trying to grow that. Here are my social media links.




Also, they are located here on the website as well.

That is all

That is it, folks, that is my outlook for 2022. I know it isn’t that well-informed. But it is what I have planned. I am trying my hardest to get everything I am doing in my life. Hoping that tech will help in that.

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