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Gadgets and More

Apple Watch

It was the year 2000 and something and smartwatches are the new things. So, of course, I am going to talk about the Apple Watch, and of course, it is made by Apple, for the iPhone.  It was announced on September 9, 2014.  You have to have an iPhone 5 or later and be running iOS 8.2 or later and it connects via blue tooth.

Best selling

The Apple Watch quickly became the bestselling wearable device in 2015.  They didn’t do a Kick starter to get funding for the watch, they have like $538 Billion dollars, to do some R&D.

So what is the big hype about the Apple Watch anyway, it is just another smartwatch right. Well, for starters it offers the following:

  • Apple Pay
  • Novel Digital Crown
  • Fitness and health tracking
  • Full apps
  • Actionable notifications and glances
  • Remote control functions
  • Passbook integration (Wallet)
  • Digital touch communication
  • Siri

I could go on about what the watch has to offer there is just a lot of different options. The watch will be like the iPhone continue to get better and better as the years go on. Here are 16 new features:

  1. Apps open to developers
  2. Activation lock
  3. New Faces
  4. Third-part complications
  5. Time travel (not that time travel)
  6. Apple pay rewards you (loyalty programs)
  7. Mass transit of your wrist
  8. New Siri powers
  9. Wake me up
  10. Circles of 12
  11. Live Photos on the wrist
  12. Screen stays awake
  13. Apple music perks
  14. Reply by mail

All of these things can be seen here


When my Pebble was acting up and not really usable since the buttons wouldn’t work, I was looking for a new smartwatch, so I got an Apple watch. This is a great watch, loved my Pebble, but my Apple Watch can do so much more.

I use it to for the following things:

  • Pay for things with Apple Pay thus keeping my Card safe from bad people.
  • All my notifications come over on my watch.
  • I can tell the time in two different places
  • Look at the temp
  • My Calendar
  • My activity
  • The apps that come on the watch is nice, I can look at some
  • Instagram posts
  • Twitter feed
  • Track my Pizza
  • Control Hulu,
  • Check out the Broncos schedule (wishing the 49ers had this)
  • use no wait
  • and so many more things.

So if you are thinking about getting a watch, I would suggest a Pebble or the Apple watch. For me, the Apple watch is what I would pick.

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