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Cop Camera

My wife picked up a small camera for me since I like tech. It is called a cop cam. What is it? Well, let’s find out.

What is it

It is a small camera that can be mounted about anywhere. It is motion detected.

Yea, that is it. That is the actual size of it. The cop cam has a powerful microphone for quality audio, and it records in high def video with its high-def-motion sensor, the camera only records when it needs to.

My thoughts

To be honest, I have only used this a few times. I really wasn’t impressed with it. It recorded OK when it detected motion. So this blog really isn’t going to be that good for information.

However, I am going to teat this out when I travel. I am seeing if it will work with what I would like it to do.

 I will be giving a follow-up about this later on. So look for that update.

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